After reading a few posts about Call of Duty 4 I googled "cod4 aimbot". I wish I hadn't. Its not just the fact that these things exist that depresses me. It is the number of people who seem to be enthusiastic about using them.
Android has allowed multiple user logins for quite a while now. This is can be very useful for tablets which are shared by family members. Normally Android erects strict Chinese walls between users preventing them from using each others apps and viewing each others files. This is a useful security feature and ensures your kids don't mess up your work spreadsheets when screwing around on the tablet and should also prevent them from buying €1,000 worth of Clash of Candy coins on your account. Sometimes however you really do want to share stuff with other users and this can prove surprisingly difficult. For example on a recent holiday I realised that I wanted to share a folder full of travel documents with my wife. Here are some ways to achieve this. 1. If you have guaranteed internet access then you can create a shared folder on either Dropbox or Google drive. Either of these has the great advantage of being able to access the files on any device and the great disadvantage of bein...
I don't mind if the game corrects my aim to a certain degree but in some cases auto-aiming is a curse. Many years ago I was dueling a friend in a Doom2 level with a huge lava pool in the middle (I think it was one of the Boss levels). I was on one side, he was on the other, and I was shooting at him with the rocket launcher as he ran along. I was trying to lead him by aiming a little ahead but the auto-aiming corrected for me being slightly off, with the result that my rockets all hit behind him. But when I aimed far enough ahead so the auto-aim didn't kick in it was too much lead, and then my rockets exploded harmlessly in front of him. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
I just watched one of those aimbot movies and it didn't even look like the player was even aiming; he'd run around corners and fire and people would die, but I guess that's why people use aimbots. Although one then wonders what's the point of playing at all.
I seem to recall a recent GM item in WoW gained notoriety for being similar to that, where "using" it killed everyone within a certain radius with minimal effort required on the bearer's part.
* edit - I really need to proof my posts before hitting Publish ;)