Sometimes I have to sit on my nerdy instincts. A couple of days ago a memory stick I use in work to carry files between computers failed. After buying a new memory stick my inner nerd quickly got carried away with the possibilities. - Some of the material is sensitive so it needs to be encrypted lest the memory stick gets lost or stolen. - Some of the computers I use lack the appropriate software for decryption and restrictive user rights can make it difficult to install. - For convenience and security reasons wouldn't it be better to have a bootable operating system on the memory stick that had all my software pre-installed? So it was that I set about trying to build and install a custom version of Puppy Linux on my memory stick so that I could have a portable self contained working environment. Puppy Linux is one of the coolest pieces of software on the planet. A self contained operating system that will boot from CD or memory stick and runs on just about any computer
A blog about life, the universe and computer games. PC games mainly.