I believe the Hubble deep field images are among the most awe inspiring photographs ever taken and I have recently set the Ultra Deep Field up as my desktop background. To take this image the Hubble telescope was pointed at an area of space devoid of nearby stars and an image of deep space was constructed by accumulating data over a period of several months. The total area encompassed is equivalent to a speck about one millimetre squared held at arms length. Yet this tiny tiny window on the universe is crammed full of galaxies. Each of these galaxies likely has billions of stars. This image contains some of the farthest away objects ever observed - galaxies at a remove of billions of light years from our own.
This number of worlds, these distances, these time-scales are completely mind boggling. They are in truth simply unimaginable and yet they exist. Here is the picture:
This number of worlds, these distances, these time-scales are completely mind boggling. They are in truth simply unimaginable and yet they exist. Here is the picture:
(Image in the public domain courtesy of NASA. A high resolution version can be got from Wikipedia )
One thought that immediately strikes me as I contemplate this picture is how inconceivable it is that our humble sun is the only place in all of this immensity where the miracle of life came about. The universe must teem with life, just as it teems with stars. Why then have we not heard from any one else? Science fiction writers have proposed many reasons ranging from the benign (our development is being quietly observed from afar until such time as we are judged fit to join the congregation of space faring races) to downright scary (some malevolent force systematically eliminates all space-faring races). Could it be that life evolved elsewhere is so fundamentally different as to be unrecognisable to us or is it simply due to the immense distances involved and the tyranny of the un-attainable speed of light?
The second thought that strikes me is how this immensity exposes the arrogance of that branch of human science known as cosmology. Hypotheses such as the big bang, black holes and dark matter are afforded the same respect as established scientific fact when they are really no more than extrapolations built upon extrapolations. Extrapolation is a useful tool that allows us to use those things we know to make predictions about those things which are outside of our current scope of knowledge. However every extrapolation incurs uncertainty and the further we go from the dataset of the known the greater the uncertainty. Thus knowledge gleaned on Earth of how things move and interact had a reasonable chance of holding up when extrapolated to the neighbouring planet of Mars and indeed the experience of the Mars landers has shown that the extrapolation was valid. Cosmologists extend such extrapolations a billion billion times further though and the uncertainty becomes so large as to render the extrapolations completely useless.
There is nothing new about this - every era has had its cosmologists who confidently claim to have the full and true explanation of the universe. Just as today the proposers of such theories have often been held up as mystical geniuses safe in the knowledge that no one was likely to be able to prove them wrong. This is not science. It is closer to religion than science and indeed it was real evidence based science that eventually exposed the cosmic eggs, the celestial spheres and the epicycles for the failed extrapolations that they were. I will therefore make a bold extrapolation of my own: I believe that in years to come the cherished cosmological hypotheses of today will similarly perish beneath the ongoing march of real evidence based science and children of a future age will look back and chuckle at our big bangs and black holes with much the same amusement that we feel when considering Ptolemy's epicycles.
This was a well known and accepted belief held by many people of the day, including respected & learned teachers & leaders of society, and anyone who dared speculate anything different (such as the earth actually being spherical and orbiting around the sun) was laughed out of town...if they were lucky.
Technology advanced, and now we know better.
Currently many people believe we're alone in the universe. That we're it, there is nobody else.
The cool thing about people who believe this is they cannot prove they're right, and so they cannot prove we're wrong. This makes their belief an excellent hypothesis because it can only be disproved.
Back then, people not only believed the world was flat but it was accepted as fact.
Now, some people believe we're alone in the universe. Like yesteryear's flat landers, their belief is sustained only through the limitations of current technology.
Due to the background radiation of the universe, the S/N ratio of our most powerful transmissions drop below usefulness after (IIRC) a little more than one light-year from Earth. Given our brief history as a technological species, the chance that we would receive signals from another civilization at our similar level of progress from close enough to rise above the background noise is zero. Given that interstellar travel is almost certainly impossible, it's no wonder why many people would find it easy to believe we are alone in the cosmos.
And we have no basis to determine how common life is in the universe until we find it someplace else... as much as we want to believe life evolved elsewhere, we can't know it as a fact until we see that it has happened.
If we find that life evolved first on Mars, and then the catalyst for life on Earth was carried here by a meteorite torn from Mars, then aside from finding out we're all at some level Martian, nothing has changed.
As Tipa says: "interstellar travel is almost certainly impossible"
I find this one of the most profoundly depressing results ever to emerge from science. The truth is we may never travel to other stars. The enormous distances of interstellar space may condemn Mankind to be trapped forever in this one solar system with its one inhabitable planet.
Deep deep down I want to disbelieve this. I hope against hope that this is not the case that it is only "the limitations of current technology" and that new discoveries will show us the way. But ... and this is the awful awful but: If Interstellar travel is possible, why haven't we seen some interstellar travellers from more advanced worlds already?
And you dare to propose that interstellar travel is almost certainly impossible?
Ha! I say to you. Ha! (Of course I mean that with the utmost respect ;)
I would put forth that by July 20, 2069, interstellar travel will not only be possible but a reality.
Either that, or we'll have blown ourselves up and be living like Mad Max :P
But, obviously, this approach will be very slow, costly and only committed to as necessary rather than as a rush to fill space. And such activities certainly won't be visible to others watching.
The Big Bang theory is quite reasonable, the CMB is proof of something to that effect having occurred. The details are guessed somewhat but it does fit. Cosmologists aren't just saying it was that way with no observational reason for it.
A good way to think about such questions is what is the politics for such a story? Who is pushing the idea? When a head of government decrees it as so with no science to back it up you've got a good case to argue for it being bullshit.
With regards to interstellar travel - I really really hope that we discover something that makes this feasible within human timescales - but I do keep coming back to the question of why we haven't seen others do it. Perhaps life as we know it very rare and sparsely distributed. I don't know.
While popular theories may be wrong at times the scientific method eventually works out the kinks.
Religion has functions but explaining reality is not one of them. When a religion gets used in this manner it's to explicitly not explain, as in "God made it that way" with an implicit don't ask questions.
Science and religion shouldn't be in conflict. But, sadly, religions are too easy to politically abuse.
The scientific method is a systematic EVIDENCE BASED method of acquiring new knowledge that has a solid record of success. Cosmology on the other hand has a habit of getting way beyond the "evidence base" and drawing conclusions which are wild extrapolations. This is not a new thing. It has always been thus.
I'm sure there are other observed facts also, but like you, I don't try to dig deep.
I'll now speculate on that point: Combine that with a possible instant gravity (Gravity waves still haven't been observed) and you have the makings of dark energy, not to mention the interstellar travel so desired.
You are correct about these "dark" things being very speculative. But then they are only a filler label for what is not predicted by accepted theory. And that's how scientists treat them. As something still to be figured out. Something to be included in a more complete theory.
Oh, and have you seen the pictures over at the Gigagalaxy Zoom site? I had the Milky Way picture from there as my desktop for a long time.