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Android Tip 1. Download a Dropbox folder for offline access

Dropbox and Google drive are great for storing stuff if you have an internet connection but both of them use cloud storage and only download a temporary versions of files when you access them. Sometimes it is useful to keep a permanent offline version particularly if you are going to be without an internet connection for a while. The app Folder Downloader for Dropbox does exactly what it says on the tin.It downloads an offline copy of any Dropbox folder.  The app  is straightforward to use and does not require any dodgy permissions.

1. Grab Folder Downloader for Dropbox from the Google Play Store
2. Make sure you have Dropbox installed on your Android device and that you are logged in.
3. Run folder downloader. Initially it will ask for permission to access Dropbox so say yes.
4. Now Folder Downloader should be showing you your Dropbox files. Navigate to the folder you want to download and click "Download all to".
5. The screen changes to your Android device folders. Navigate to the folder you want the downloaded folder to appear in. If you are not sure then why not stick them in "My Documents".
6. The download may take a while if there are a lot of files in the folder and some files make not download if the internet drops or if the phone sleeps during the download. Don't worry - Folder Downloader will tell you which files didn't download and give you the option to retry.
7. Remember the downloaded copy of the folder is not synced in any way to Dropbox. Any changes made on another computer will not appear in your offline download and any changes made to the downloaded files will not be uploaded to Dropbox. 

Note this post is part of a short series of Android tips on working with files and folders. I will be travelling for a while with patchy internet and I needed to get more intimate than usual with the Android file system to make sure I can still access the stuff I need while I am away. I have decided to post the tricks I find for my own future reference and for others who may need to do the same. Separate posts used for each tip to facilitate searching:  Android Tips


Kylie said…
Great article on how to Download a dropbox folder for offline Access. I usually do this with my iPhone and it works like a charm. If you are looking for extra space on your dropbox, I can recommend you using this service

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